Sunday, March 27, 2016

Run, Baby, Run

Sheryl Crow is one of my all time favorite singers. Amazing, timeless lyrics and music that never gets old to listen to. While editing this image I was listening to one of her old albums (Tuesday Night Music Club) and her song Run, Baby, Run just made me pause and listen, so it became the title of this post. There's a youtube link to her song below.

This week new release from Serendipity is the Tyler leather mesh pants series. They come in 6 different colors, beige, grey, navy, red, white and black - which is featured below, and each them comes of course in 5 mesh sizes ranging from XS to XL.

Debbie Jasper did an amazing job creating the pose for this post ;) Thank you ♥

Style card:



Skin (head only):



  • Gabriel - Angel wings Necklace (male) / silver


The blog post can also be found on

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